Friday, January 19, 2007

Brett Michael Gibbs(a.k.a. HaPie Michael Joker)[Me]

Friday, January 12, 2007

Rosey M. Camargo

Stephanie League

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Kaytlyn Smith (a.k.a. Gir)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Emily Ruark

Cheyenne Hallman

Monday, December 18, 2006


Help me find the things at the bottom of this page...
and cooent your findings here!-p
Please do this...I'll be your bestest friend!-p

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

To: Shana Phillips (a.k.a. Gaz)

My story is on...!-p

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

7 Deadly Sins!-p

I remember them by saying P.E.G.L.A.G.S.!-P
I will up date this by and by!-p

Friday, December 8, 2006





Thursday, December 7, 2006

they day blue dyer died

Love dorkk!-p

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

My School

^that is my school web page^
Check it out!-p

Monday, December 4, 2006

I love you too. (Really touching poem.)

She had always liked him But never truly knew why He never talked to her His friends had made her cry She smiled at him in the hall He just turned his head He did not care about her Is what he always said But she kept her chin up And she loved him still Because she knew what was inside A hole that she could fill His friends soon caught word Of her feelings toward him They found it hysterical But her love did not dim She knew that she was better Than what they thought she was But still her heart was his For reasons she knew not of She slowly became more forlorn Slipping deep into a hole He was still ignoring her Breaking her delicate soul But her love did not falter She always thought of him But all the rumors about her Put her closer to the brim On the final day His friends played a trick Told her that he loved her Just to watch her tick Sadly she believed them And she was overjoyed Little did she know That it was all a ploy She went up to him To make sure that he knew That she knew how he felt And that she loved him too He did not understand So all he did was stare Telling her repeatedly That he really did not care She was finally over the edge She knew it could not be true I thought they said he loved her But deep inside she knew She could not comprehend How to go on living her life So she went in to the kitchen Pulled out the sharpest knife She screamed into the air This is not how it should be She screamed all the things That she wished that he would see She spoke of her love She cried of her pain She whispered of what happened How it could never be the same And with her last strength She scribbled her final note She explained everything And this is what she wrote: Take the shining knife, And cut open my wrists Watch the blood flow out It couldve ended with a kiss Take the bloody knife Write words into my skin Tell me that you hate me Make the pain begin Take the knife and hold it up So that everyone can see That this is the pain You were always causing me She watched the blood pour out Collapsing on the floor Little did she know That he was at the door He did not get an answer As he screamed her name He told her he was sorry What he said was really lame He did not want to give up He wanted her to know That he really did like her Just did not let it show He did not care about his friends They were not his anymore So please, wont you please Just open the damn door He walked to the window Saw her lying there He pounded on the glass Crying in despair He broke through the glass And knelt down on the floor Looking at the girl He had always adored Desperately calling for help She was still alive He tried to bandage wounds Please God let her survive He held her so close As the ambulance drew near I really do love you He whispered in her ear. Please dont give up I'll try to help you through We will make it work You know I love you too.


Nightmare Before Christmas!...
After the 20th I will not have access to the internet!.-p
So I'm saying it in advance!...


The Little Girl ( Poem... Warning: VERY SAD! )

Her name is AurouraShe was only fiveThis is what happenedWhen she was aliveHer dad was a drunkHer mom was an addictHer parents kept herLocked in an atticHer only friendwas a little toy bearIt was old and worn outAnd had patches of hairShe always talked to itWhen no one's aroundShe lays there and hugs itNot a peep of soundUntil her parentsunlock the doorSome more and more painShe'll have to endoreA bruise on her legA scar on her faceWhy would she beIn such a horrible place?But she grabs her bearAnd softly crysShe loves her parentsBut they want her to dieShe sits in the cornerQuiet but thinking," God, why? Why isMy life always sinking? "Such a bad lifeFor a sad little kidShe'd get beaten and beatenFor anything she didThen one nightHer mom came home highThe poor child was hit and slappedAs hours went byThen her mom suddenlyGrabbed for a bladeIt was sharp and pointyOne that she madeShe thrusted the bladeRight in her chest," You deserve to dieYou worthless pest! "The mom walked outLeaving the girl slowly dieingShe grabbed her bearAnd again started cryingPolice showed upAt the small little houseThe quickly barged inEverything was as quiet as a mouseOne officer slowlyOpened a doorTo find the sad little girlLieing on the floorIt must have been badTo go through so much harmBut at least she diedWith her best friend in her arms

A Boy and Girl (This'll make you cry for sure)

A boy and a girl,the best of friends.From elementary to high schoolfrom beginning to end.Through all those yearstheir friendship grew.They both felt the same,but neither knew.Each waking momentsince the day they met.They both loved each othersunrise to sunset.He was all she hadin her terrible life.He was the onewho kept her from her knife.She was his angel,she made him smile.Though life threw him curves,she made it all worth while.Then one daythings went terribly wrong.The next few weekswere like a very sad song.He made her jealouson purpose he tried.When the girl asked, "Do you love her?"on purpose he lied.He played with jealousylike it was a game.Little did he knowThings would never be the same.His plan was workingbut he had no clue.How wrong things would go,the damage he would do.One night she broke down,feeling very alone.Just her and the blade,no one else home.She dialed his number,he answered, "Hello"She told him she loved himand hung up the phone.He raced to her housejust a minute too late.Found her lying in blood,her heart had no rate.Beside her was a note,in it her confession.Her love for this boy,her only obsession.As he read the note,he knelt down and cried.Grabbed her knife,that night they both died.She was found in his arms,both of them dead.Under her notehis handwriting said:"I loved her so,she never knew.All this timeI loved her too."

Tell me? (sad, depressing, truthful)

Tell me?Will it hurt to die?More than it hurts me to be alive?Today is just another day I dont want to tryI sit in a corner and silently weep until my tears run dryI want to give upI just want to quit...So tired of itgod it hurts me somuch more than you can possibly knowTell Me?How come? Your a sinner? Your a saint? Your my nightmareYour my dreamAnd me? Im nothing in betweenI sit back and I cryCrying much more than tearsCrying HateCrying FearsCrying my FateCrying AngstThey say im strangeAnd derangedThat I know nothing of realityThat I couldnt possibly have problems that its all just insanityTell Me?Do you notice as I rock back and forthTo and fro on the floorAll the blood that my wrists do pour

Friday, December 1, 2006


cloud is HaPie!-p


To Comment a Post!

At the bottom of a post there is a button that says comment!
Click it and write a comment to me!

P.S. don't be afraid to leave a name for me!
so i know who you are!
Its not like I'm going to punch you!
I love all critasisum good and bad!

Am I Pretty Now? ::( WARNING: VERY SAD POEM! )

Here comes the ugly one
Looking sad and wearing black
Those stupid fuc*ing preps all laugh
Because she looks so fat

Trying to ignore the comments
She walks, looking at the floor
Since she doesn't say a word
They shout more ugly words

The jocks throw their footballs at her
And the anorexic sluts just laugh
She's teased in science, she teased in p.e
She's even teased in math

Everyday, the same routine,
She runs into her room and cries
She thinks that no one cares
If she just curled up and died

Then one day after normal teasing,
She finally had enough
She couldn't handle all their teasing
And other stupid stuff

She grabbed some lipstick
and put it on her lips
She grabbed her long black skirt
And then started to rip

At the corner of her eye
She spotted a pointy blade
She slashed her wrists until
Her vision started to fade

Suddenly, she fell
Colapsing on a towel
The words carved in her wrists read,
Am I Pretty Now?

My Withered Heart

I haven't any talents, No brain And no beauty, But the heart that beats within, Every purity pumped through me, Tries to demolish the blackness that taints my every pulse. And Each time it twitches, I feel it struggle more and more, Because this hell we call life Is forcing through innocence' doors.